So the story is: I am out with a buddy playing ping pong in my complex. I am down 2 games, been beaten my more than 10 points in a game with a toal of 21 points. For those who don't know ping pong/table tennis: I am being beaten....heavily. And then suddenly I get a message from within: "just watch the ball". So I do that. And I notice that my body, my hands are moving much better. The result: I start having better volleys, better smashes, and much, much better returns. This continued for the rest of 1.5 hours. The end score after 2 hrs of play: I won 10 out of 13 games. I lost just one game after that message.
The reason I am writing about this is we can apply the same principle in life. When we are with our loved ones, be with them. When at work be at work. When praying be there. The message is simple: Wherever you go, be there.
Or if you want a more catchy message then: Just watch the ball. :D